There is plenty of merchandise available for The Slayers and you will find the usual t-shirts, mugs, watches, art books, action figures, statues and lots more.

Several soundtrack albums are also available in Japan and wall scrolls and posters can also be found.

Console Game: The image to the left is the cover of the Japanese Slayers game which was released on the Sega Saturn.  It was an RPG interspersed with animé cut scenes. Please click on the image to see a larger version.
Soundtrack Album:  Several soundtrack albums have been released in the US and Japan, often featuring the vocal talents of Megumi Hayashibara - the voice actress/singer who provides Lina Inverse's voice in the Japanese dub.  Please click on the image to the right to see a larger version.

Posters:  Slayers is quite popular in America and several posters have been released there.  Please click on the sample image to the left to see a larger picture.