
In these uncertain times we feel we must add this rather boring page just to cover ourselves if stuff goes wrong.  At the end of the day please remember that this is a fansite funded from our own pockets, and we are not here to make enemies, we are here to promote the mediums or anime and manga and provide as much information as possible.

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All images are the property of their respective Copyright owners and are reproduced here for information only.  All images have been gathered through Google Image Searches or our own personal scans/DVD captures.  We have tried to credit the western distributor of the anime or manga each series is taken from in the picture text (hold your mouse pointer over the image for a few seconds to see).  We have tried our best to avoid using any fan art images on the site at any point, however, if you see an image on here that is yours and want to be credited to it please let us know.

We have included a few MP3 music tracks on the site, which are generally hidden as 'easter eggs' for people to find.  We have avoided using music from soundtracks that are available domestically.  We feel that these tracks will provide a helpful insight into the style of the particular series covered, we also hope that by downloading and listening to these tracks you may be attracted to importing the corresponding soundtrack CDs.  Please note that these music files are included for these purposes only and should be deleted 48 hours after downloading.

All written opinions are just that, opinions.  They are not necessarily the opinions of animetion.co.uk.  All information listed on the site is correct to the best of our knowledge.

We cannot be held responsible for any problems you have with websites, retailers or individuals you have contacted through links or information on this site, you deal with these at your own risk.  We also cannot be held responsible for any financial or physical loss incurred through these dealings.

Our aim is to provide as much information about anime and manga as possible and hopefully to increase awareness of these mediums in the UK.  We are a not for profit site and any funds we receive will be used to pay for site maintenance (including domain registration costs, webspace costs and advisory charges) and remaining cash will be used to buy competition prizes and associated postage costs or accumulated to cover future costs.  At the time of writing we have made no money whatsoever from this site and want to avoid using popups and adverts even though they could bring us valuable income.  If this stance ever changes we will announce it on our main page.

We do not pretend to have any moral claim over any of the official images or MP3s on this site.  We consider them to be the property of their respective copyright owners and have reproduced them here for information only.  As such we will not be arrogant enough to ask for people who want to use these files on their own sites to obtain our authorisation.  All of the wallpapers on this site have been created by us for free use by anyone, if you wish to offer them for download on your site please feel free, all we ask in return is that you add a link to our site in your links page.  One note on images though, please don't remote link to images on our server - the site costs enough already without us having to pay for additional bandwidth. 

 Please note that reviews and articles submitted to us for use on the site become the property of Animetion UK.  We wanted to avoid using this proviso, but we realise that we would only be making problems for ourselves by doing so.  As a kind of compensation for this we may, at our discretion, provide giveaways and incentives for regular contributors.

We are here to make friends not enemies so if you have any problems with this site or any of its content please email us and we will attempt to address your concerns.