
  Tom (Webmaster)

Based on:  Whole OVA

UK Distributor:  ILC Prime (DVD Only)

This Review is part of an Animetion UK experiment, wherein we will watch some older anime titles whilst completely blasted on a variety of alcoholic beverages.  The results may be understandably incoherent...

Current Alcohol Level:  9 Cans of Carlsberg (440ml) & 1 'Ronin' Cocktail (Saké, Vodka & Lemon Juice), Jack Daniels & ginger, 2 Sex on the Beach Cocktails

Brace yourself.  Braced?  Ok.  This isn't actually isn't that bad!  Compared to Idol Of Darkness this is Oscarworthy!

The plot is basically that a spaceshipful of women come across a ship with 'metarogria' - an EVIL GHREEN SUBSTANCE!!! that causes it's victims to shag other other victims heavily and then kill them!  Why?  Well I don't know but it makes for a good film!!!

Opening with some actually quite good animation and the standard sci-fi investigation of another ship, AOD introduces it's characters surprisingly well by introducing the standard cliches of butch, leader, naive and cute along with Ritsuko lookalikes with an action ferret!!!!  Couple that with the fact that practically all of the crew are LESBIANS !!! and you have the makings of a classic anime.

Yep, lesbians.  Lesbians.  They pretty much make this film with lesbianism they do.  Lesbians they are. Lesbians.  Sci-fi lesbians at that.  Sci-fi lesbians with ferrets?  Do you dare argue with this??  I thought not !

So back to the film?  Well it is enjoyable drunk and enjoyable sober (I think) so you should like it!!  Don't you?  I admit it's an anime rip-off of ALIEN (see Ric's review) but it's still ok?!"!!  Watch while hammered *+&Y enjoy !!!!

Best Bit:  LESBIANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Worst bit:  predictable as HELL !!!!!!!!!!!!! (but in a good way - really) !

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