
We've created a gallery of all of the masquerade entries in our dedicated feature here, so below we'll feature more general event shots!











Want to know more about the MCM Expo?  Check out the following...

Animetion's Expo Survival Guide

MCM London Expo Official Website

MCM Midlands Expo Official Website

MCM London Expo May '11 Cosplay Masquerade Feature

MCM London Expo October '10 Feature

MCM London Expo May '10 Feature

MCM Midlands Expo February '10 Feature

MCM London Expo October '09 Feature

MCM London Expo May '09 Feature

MCM London Expo October '08 Feature

MCM London Expo May '07 Feature

MCM Midlands Expo February '07 Feature

MCM London Expo October  '06 Feature

Cosplay at the London Expo (Oct '06) feature

MCM London Expo May '06 feature

Cosplay at the London Expo (May '06) feature